Free in home care for seniors in Florida

Attorney Tom Olsen: Chrissy, one of the other things we do is we help people to get free in-home care for seniors. Boy, what a wonderful program that this has provided to residents of the state of Florida. We always talk about programs throughout the United States being different from one state to another. What we're talking about is Florida being very generous with providing free in-home care for seniors.

Attorney Chris Merrill: Yes, Tom. It's a great program offered here. What are we talking about? If a senior is in a situation where they need additional help at home, and what are we saying? Not just about nurses or doctors or physical therapists coming in. We are talking about if they need, for example, somebody to get their groceries, or they need help with cleaning or doing things around their house. This program allows 30 hours a week for the senior to be able to receive this help at their home and the state of Florida will pay for it. We have free booklets, and we invite people to start by reading this booklet, and then, of course, from there, we are happy to answer any questions.

You can call right now at 407-423-5561 and request your free booklet. All you need to do is give your first and last name and mailing address. You can give that to Attorney Holley Knapik right now, or you can call any time. Even if you get the voicemail, you can leave it on there. In addition, you can go to our website at

Tom: We have been talking about Florida's Waiver Program, free in-home care for seniors, and how to protect your life savings from the cost of a nursing home. Chrissy, we've gotten two texts, and I'm going to read them to you. If you don't mind, I'm going to have you answer them, okay?

Chris: Sure.

Tom: The first question is concerning Medicaid qualifying. "What if you are single and your income is slightly over the limits for Medicaid or in-home care?" Chrissy, how would you answer that question?

Chris: Yes. Well, first of all, thank you, Texter, for the question. Great question. The answer is this. If you are single and your income is slightly over the $2,829 a month, it means that we, Olsen Law Group, would do a legal document for you called a QIT, also known as a Qualified Income Trust. That legal document, if we do that for you, when you are applying for the in-home care program, by having that legal document in place, even though your income is over, you will be approved, and you will get the in-home care.

The answer is, you're single, the income is over, yes, if we do a legal document, you will be able to get that in-home care. That's question number one. Of course, if you have any further questions, you feel free to reach out to me, and I'm happy to talk to you further about it.

Tom: We talk about Medicaid-compliant tools, and people, typically there might be two issues going on. One is they have too much income, and two is they have too much assets, so we just covered what happens if you have too much income.

Chris: Correct.

Tom: We can still get you qualified by using a Qualified Income Trust.

Chris: Correct.

Tom: Problem solved.

Chris: You got it.

Tom: Okay. Then, text number two. It says, "Tom, for the Qualified Income Trust you're discussing, what expenses other than direct care premiums depends, et cetera, can an applicant use funds in the QIT?" I don't really fully understand that question. Maybe you do better than I do.

Chris: I do. I do. Again, and thank you, Texter, that's a great question. For those of you that have been listening, a QIT, we were just talking about for the first question, a QIT, also known as a Qualified Income Trust, is a legal tool, a legal document that is used when somebody is over the monthly income limit, which is $2,829 here in the state of Florida. If you are over that monthly limit and we do this legal compliant document called a QIT, Qualified Income Trust, it means that then not only will you then be approved for the program and get the benefits of the home waiver, you then are able to use those funds that were protected by the Qualified Income Trust for things other than and in addition to direct care.

It can be direct medical care, premiums, lawn care, getting groceries, helping with cleaning services. Absolutely, you can use that money that was protected for other things in addition to direct medical care. When the applicant applies with the QIT, they are accepted in the program using the QIT and they are at home.

Tom: Chrissy, I find this fascinating, so I want to get a little bit more detail so I fully understand it. Let's just say that it's a single person. We know the income cap is $2,829. Let's just say that their monthly income is $4,829, exactly $2,000 over the income cap.

Chris: Correct.

Tom: You do a QIT, so off the top they are not qualified, but we use a legal tool, Qualified Income Trust, all of a sudden they are qualified. What happens to this $4,829 a month that they are receiving in income after the QIT?

Chris: Here's what happens. Once we do the QIT and once they apply and they are approved, now the state of Florida, again, is paying for the 30 hours a week, okay? You're getting 30 hours a week right off the top paid for by the state of Florida. Now because you are at home, that $4,800 that is protected by the legal document of the QIT, you and your family members can now use that above and beyond for other care or other things that you may need. As long as you are at home, you still get that money.

Tom: Really what you are saying is, in this case, the person is home, $4,829 a month, they continue to get the full 100% benefit of that money.

Chris: That's correct.

Tom: They are using it for what they are using it for right now, which is groceries, lawn mower service, electric bills, nothing changes.

Chris: Exactly. That's correct because there is no restriction on that money. The restriction if you will is in the process, not on the money itself. What do I mean by the process? It means that once you've been approved by the state of Florida, you then must properly, with our guidance, set up this QIT checking account. The process must be done correctly. We help you to do that, but assuming the process is set up correct, that $4,800 is now available to use for you, what you want. If you have further questions, call me, Attorney Chris Merrill. Reach out to me, the website, texting, phone, email, I am happy to answer this further for you.

Tom: I find it really wonderful and amazing that one day they've got $2,000 over the income limit, they don't qualify, they come see Olsen Law Group, we use the compliant tools, Qualified Income Trust, the next day they're qualified, they continue to get the full benefit of their $4,829 a month, whatever their income happens to be, and they've got up to 30 hours a week in-home care.

Chris: That's correct. That's why, again, it's a really wonderful State of Florida program where there's so much confusion because every state does it differently. Here in the state of Florida, this is the way our program works, which is very beneficial to the residents of Florida and very beneficial to staying at home.

Tom: Folks, the ultimate goal is that you can stay in your home longer, that's what everybody wants, and if you're taking care of your parents and you're getting a little bit overwhelmed, it's a lot, and God bless you for taking care of your parents, you need a break, you need a little bit of help, this would be a great tool or avenue for you to discuss with Olsen Law Group as well.

Chris: Exactly.

Tom: It'd be a win-win.

Chris: We're happy to help.

Tom: We're talking about the Florida Waiver Program. We have a free booklet on that, and that's How to Get Free In-Home Care For Seniors, and if you want to contact the Olsen Law Group any time, we'll get that in the mail to you, 407-423-5561, or go through our website, Everybody, thanks so much for all your great calls and questions. We do so much appreciate it.

[00:09:47] [END OF AUDIO]