How do you start a tenant eviction in Florida for non-payment of rent?

Attorney Caleb Maggio: In the state of Florida, how does somebody start a tenant eviction action?

Attorney Tom Olsen: Well, you have to file a complaint with an actual court in the county the property is located in, but before you do that, if it's for nonpayment or rent, you have a prerequisite you have to meet. That is you have to deliver a three-day notice of nonpayment of rent to that tenant, specifying the amount of rent they haven't paid. If you don't do that and you file your complaint, it's going to get kicked back from the court. You're going to lose your filing fee.

Attorney Caleb Maggio: What happens if you give this three-day notice to the tenant, and during that three days, the tenant wants to come and pay you the landlord rent? Do you have to accept it?

Attorney Tom Olsen: You certainly do. If they're going to give you the full amount you're owed, they have three days excluding holidays and weekends from the day you give that notice, not including the day you give that notice to pay that rent.