Only a few attorneys know how to do nursing home Medicaid planning


Attorney Tom Olsen: I got an email yesterday from my brother and my brother had copied his good long lifelong friend. The lifelong friend of my brother had his mom was going to a nursing home and somebody referred him to an attorney. He went to that attorney and the attorney said, "Hey, nothing you can do to protect mom's assets from nursing homes and Medicaid. Nothing you can do."

The friend felt discouraged and so Bob, my brother, knows that we do this kind of work and he emailed us about it. I emailed my brother back and I said, "Well, that's because that attorney does not know how to do it." I know that's harsh but that's the way I feel about it.

Attorney Robert Hidock: It's very true. There are a lot of estate planning attorneys that do a fine job of estate planning but they don't know the intricacies of protecting assets from Medicaid. It's a very niche that not a lot of people know how to do.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Not a lot of attorneys know how to do it. I like to tell people that we have the best Medicaid nursing home planning team in the state of Florida. We can help people throughout the state of Florida and we'd be happy to help you with that. Hey folks my name is Tom Olsen. The name of the show is Olsen on Law where you're listening to 96.9