When you do your estate planning at Olsen Law Group, we give you an Action Plan

Attorney Tom Olsen: Holley, one of the things we do for our clients when we do their estate planning is, while they're here with us at the initial consult, when they leave the initial consult, they leave with an action plan.

Attorney Holley Knapik: Yes, homework.

Tom: That action plan, first of all, lays out exactly what we are doing for them at the Olsen Law Group, but then number two, what the homework is, and so when they go to the bank, rather than trying to explain to the bank, "Hey, this is what Olsen Law Group wants us to do," they can just take the action plan with them in hand to the banker and say, "This is what Olsen Law Group wants us to do." Oh, couldn't be more clear.

Holley: Exactly.

Tom: By the way, to make your bank accounts POD, folks, you don't do that with Olsen Law Group, you don't do that in a will, you do to the bank or credit union or investment company that'll give you a form to fill out.

Holley: Easy. Directly with the institution, you haven't done. What we like to do is just ensure that that mirrors what your plan of distribution is in your will, but you do it directly with the bank.

Tom: Holley, when we sign documents with clients, I like to ask them, "Hey, did you make your bank account POD?" Because we asked them to do it prior to them coming back and signing their documents. They don't have to, but we prefer that they just get it done.

Holley: Absolutely.

Tom: I usually ask, "Was it easy? Was it hard? How did the bank have you do it?" Generally, it's pretty easy, but sometimes it's just a piece of paper that they got to fill out, sometimes it's done by a form on the computer. Do you check in with clients about that as well.

Holley: I do, and I actually say in the initial consult that I may be a little annoying because I will repeatedly ask you, "Did you put a beneficiary on that bank account? Is it POD? Is it TOD?" and a lot of my clients, I have to say, follow up with me religiously, they let me know, and that gives them a peace of mind and it lets me know that, hey, we've done our job and we're doing our job.

[00:01:50] [END OF AUDIO]