What is the difference between a living will and a DNR? OtherTom OlsenMay 2, 2023living will, dnrComment
How your car is titled will make a difference if you're in a car accident. OtherTom OlsenMay 2, 2023otherComment
Parents should get heath care and financial powers of attorney for their college-age children Wills Trusts & EstatesTom OlsenMay 2, 2023otherComment
How much are capital gains taxes upon the sale of an inherited house? Wills Trusts & EstatesTom OlsenMay 2, 2023otherComment
If you're in a car wreck, will you get OEM repair parts and/or the diminished value of your car? OtherTom OlsenApril 26, 2023auto claimComment
Will your spouse get one-half of house that you inherited? ProbateTom OlsenApril 26, 2023probateComment
Should you add your childs name to the deed to your home? ProbateTom OlsenApril 26, 2023probateComment
Should you have a financial power of attorney? Wills Trusts & EstatesTom OlsenMarch 23, 2023estate planningComment
What happens when a married couple have wills that have different plans of distribution upon death? Wills Trusts & EstatesTom OlsenMarch 21, 2023estate planningComment
If you are getting married later in life, reasons to get a prenuptial agreement Wills Trusts & EstatesTom OlsenMarch 17, 2023estate planningComment
When can you reduce or increase the amount of alimony being paid? OtherTom OlsenMarch 17, 2023family lawComment
Use a special needs trust when your child is receiving governmental benefits Wills Trusts & EstatesTom OlsenMarch 17, 2023estate planningComment